Improved MSI installation ( #691), kudos to for #835:.Added shortcuts for changing Loading order (Shift+O) and View channels (Shift+C) ( #456).Swapped shortcuts for Copy and Copy image data function ( #845, #901).Supported stepping through GIFs frame-by-frame for Page Navigation tool ( #680, #880).Improved error message when opening invalid image data from clipboard ( #865).Made the "Reset" button different from the other 3 buttons.
Cropping tool visual enhancement ( #755):.Removed the gradient background color of Navigation areas ( #825).Supported pasting and opening Base64-only string from clipboard without MIME type ( #808).ImageGlass now loads RAW files 2 times faster by using Magick.NET OpenMP v7.22.2.0 ( b66ab97). Added option to hide logo and text on Title bar ( #915).Added new options to customize ImageGlass in theme pack:.Added option to delete registered extensions of ImageGlass in Settings > File type association ( #546).
Added option to customize image quality for editing ( #870). Color picker tool: Added new color format HSV ( #738). Added option to entirely hide the toolbar button's tooltips ( #836). Added options to run an action after opening external editing app ( #413, #907):. Added option to group images list by directory ( #890). Added option to change toolbar button size ( #513, #222). Copies the selected value of Exif property. Auto-updates Exif viewer when navigating to other images. Adds option to keep the tool window always on top. The binary filename should be exiftool.exe. Ability to integrate exiftool.exe to ImageGlass by locating its binary file, which can be downloaded at ( ). Accessible via Main menu > Tools > Exif tool, or shortcut: X. DefaultTheme folder is removed, replaced by Themes with Kobe folder as the default theme pack. For the latest theme pack information, please refer to
Theme configuration filename is changed from config.xml to igtheme.xml.